American Marquetry Society AMS Profile Writing Guideline
American Marquetry Society 
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This document is designed to assist you in writing a personal profile about yourself and your interest in marquetry. By sharing a little bit about ourselves, we hope that AMS members will get to know each other a little better across the miles.
When writing your profile, please write in “first person”, using “I” statements.
Example: “I first became interested in marquetry…”

Listed below are some questions to give you an idea of the type of information we’d like to learn about you. Designed only as a guideline to get you started, none of them are mandatory. Thus, if you’d like to share more or less about yourself, that’s okay.

  • How and when did you get you started in marquetry?
  • How long have you been doing marquetry?
  • What and/or who inspired you along the way?
  • What marquetry methods or subjects do you prefer?
  • What other hobbies or interests do you enjoy?
  • What is your current and/or what was your past occupation?
  • Do you have a web site that you would like to share with the group?

    If so, what is the URL?
  • When you are finished writing your profile, please attach it in MS Word format and submit it to the web master: [email protected] Also via email, please send us a current picture of yourself and 2-3 images of your marquetry. Please include the name or title of each marquetry image sent. Upon receipt all profiles will be edited for clarification and size restrictions. Thank you for helping us to get to know our AMS members a little more!